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Incense Journal

Natural incense info from music to listen to while burning incense to incense history

What is Natural Incense?

Mike Pare

Natural Incense is Made with:

  • Whole Plants & Herbs
  • Tree Resins & Gums
  • Wood Powders
  • Essential Oils

Incense cones or sticks that use burning accelerants or synthetic materials are not considered natural. Some of the harmful materials found in many commercial incense brands include:

  • Charcoal : used as a base in cones and dipped sticks as a burning accelerant.
  • Saltpeter : a burning accelerant.
  • DPG -Dipropylene Glycol is a common petrochemical additive used in dipped incense as a combustible carrier oil. 
  • Fragrance Oils: factory-made scents with petrochemical origins. 
  • Sawdust from dubious sources.
  • Bamboo sticks treated with preservatives / chemicals such as formaldehyde
Burning ZOUZ Sun Smoke blend