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Zola Block
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713 East Potter Avenue
Milwaukee, WI, 53207
United States

SANDALWOOD #5 - Limited Edition Incense Cones

Hand Rolled Incense Cones - Made in the USA

Premium Natural Incense Cones Ethically Hand Rolled From Tree Resins, Plants and Wildcrafted Herbs.

SANDALWOOD #5 - Limited Edition Incense Cones

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SANDALWOOD #5 - Limited Edition Incense Cones


SANDALWOOD #5 Incense blend

Sandalwood - Patchouli - Siam Benzoin

Available now:

Our all natural sustainable Indian sandalwood is combined with earthy patchouli leaf and sweet Siam benzoin resin. Limited quantities available.

All Natural Hand Rolled Cones. Non Toxic, No Charcoals or Burning Accelerants. Small Batches Handmade in USA. Cones stay lit and burn straight through.

3"x 3 " Box contains 8 hand rolled cones.

Shop our hand crafted incense burners designed for burning Zouz Incense Cones.

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