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Incense Journal

Natural incense info from music to listen to while burning incense to incense history

Incense & Music

Mike Pare

What to Listen to While Burning Incense?
Here's our top selections:


JOANNA BROUK -  New Age Avant Garde California Vibes.  Slowly progressive minimalist music.  Moon Mix goes well with her healing, meditative blend of flutes and voices.  If you dig the track below, you might as well check out the recent re-release 2xLP vinyl compilation Hearing Music on Numero Group records.  Bonus: An amazing interview from 1972 can be found HERE

DIMI MINT ABBA - Is like the Aretha Franklin of Mauritania.  The Warm, spicy fragrance of Sun Smoke helps accent this amazing vibrational music and soulful voice.

BHAGAVAN DAS GOVINDA - Clear, Cleansing High Desert Blend is complimented by the rhythmic vocal stylings of Bhagavan Das

BLACK SABBATH  - In selecting music for Bacchus Blend, I passed over other contenders in the "Inna Gadda Da Vida category" for this version of Planet Caravan. With improvised lyrics by Ozzy, this track is shadowy and magical, but still has a few hopeful hippie vibes.

DAVID HYKES CHOIR- The pure new age waves of vocal bliss of the Harmonic Choir compliment the high minded intentions of Zouz Blend perfectly. Listen to this music at high volume for the full effect.


HENRY FLYNT - Any of the appalachian trance music works by Flynt go well with the spicy green Jove Blend.

FRANCIS BEBEY - African Electronic Music 1975- 1982. The uplifting scent of Copalo Blend is an awakening compliment to these upbeat tracks from the great guitarist and producer Francis Bebey.